Stop Struggling to Find Acceptance or Recognition

Love letter from heaven

By Mari Plank –

As a Life Coach I believe most Christian women struggle with believing God’s unconditional love and acceptance resulting in insecurity and depleted worth and value. The evidence is in all the ways we try and fill that deep need for affirmation, recognition or approval.  Get out of the rat race and get confident assurance of God’s unconditional acceptance and recognition. Your worth and value will be secure.

The following Love Letter from Heaven reflects God’s true heart for us.

My child, I love you with an everlasting love. You are my treasure and my joy. My love for you is unconditional and without judgment or based upon performance. I know all of your weaknesses, faults, strengths, gift and talents and I love you unconditionally. When I look upon you I see my perfect Son Jesus. Stop striving to gain my acceptance. You are accepted in the Beloved. Nothing you can do will make my love increase. I totally accept you for who you are. Nothing will add to your value or worth in my sight. You are precious, incredibly valuable and perfect in my Son’s image.

fall scents for your home

My acceptance of you cannot be earned. It is a result of my Son’s death and resurrection. Nothing you can do will add to your value or worth. You are my workmanship, a poem, a symphony and a work of art.

  • Do you believe God accepts you unconditionally?
  • Do you believe you are His treasure?
  • Do you believe you are precious?

Read my story and maybe you can relate to my search for acceptance…

The longing for acceptance began deep in my childhood for someone to love me unconditionally. No one ever told me I was important, valuable or loved. I was not affirmed or recognized. My heart had a huge void.

In school, I thought popularity, joining clubs; running for school government would fill my need for acceptance. I didn’t really know what I was looking for; there were no words to describe what I was feeling. I just knew there was an ache in my heart for recognition and validation.

Fast forward to my 9 year struggle with domestic violence, co- dependency, low self esteem, zero sense of worth and value and depleted assurance of God’s love. The growing emptiness swelled to epic proportions. Out of desperation I cried out for God to show me he really loved me or “I was out of here”.

God showed me through the following passage I was unconditionally loved and accepted. I didn’t believe it. I wrestled with it. It felt like lies. I was used to believing the opposite. Over a course of time, my heart was healed. I got out of the rat race, stopped the striving and now have a heart full of confident assurance of God’s unconditional acceptance, recognition. My worth and value are no longer unanswered questions.

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.  Eph. 1:4-6

Pray this prayer until you believe it’s true:

Father please forgive me for believing that I’m unaccepted and loved by you unconditionally. Please forgive me for all the ways I have based my love and acceptance upon things of the world. Forgive me for basing it on performance, approval, social status, wealth, education, or my past. Thank you that you love me unconditionally. Thank you that my worth is based upon Jesus and not my own abilities. Thank you that my worth has been already purchased through your precious Son’s blood. I choose to believe I’m loved unconditionally and have worth and value. Holy Spirit work in my heart the revelation of this incredible truth. I want to know the Father’s love and acceptance.


Mari Plank is a Christian Transformation Life Coach  sharing 30 years of masterfully transforming lives. She is the author of forthcoming book: Experience 4R Transformation: 4 Steps to Freedom, Joy & Power! You will overcome limitation answer the question of your worth and value and win the battle over insecurity. Website:


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Stop Struggling to Find Acceptance or Recognition
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