He is Altogether Lovely and All We Need

Altogether lovely

By Carol Doyel –

The title of this article may seem cliché to some, but as I was reading a post today titled, “Perfect Beauty” in The Bailey Post it occurred to me, that when we know Jesus, we know this statement to be true. He is altogether lovely. But the world cannot possibly understand this if all they know is religion and hypocrisy, or lack one of the most basic elements of our faith – that comes by having a PERSONAL encounter and relationship with Jesus.

Following is the quote from The Bailey Post, Our biggest challenge in life is staying focused on this incredible person (Jesus). Money problems, family problems, political worries, all cry out for our attention. When we turn our attention on these real issues in the real world, the Lord seems so far away. When we turn our eyes back to Him, our problems seem far away. Now don’t misunderstand me, we have to deal with the world and its issues. It’s just that when we focus on Him first He always takes care of us.”

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These times and seasons are perilous. We see and hear about so much devastation every day, it’s no wonder that we get fixated on the things of the world. Life is not a bed of roses, I don’t live with my head in a cloud and I know it’s important to know what’s going on in the world, but it’s critical as Christians to filter life’s circumstances through the eyes of a loving God.

We will always be faced with physical death while here on earth, the Bible warns us that we will face great trials and sorrow while here on earth (John 16:33). Just this week we got news that our 27 year old nephew died, his life cut-short at an early age. It has devastated his family as one would expect. You can never quite understand “the why” behind these kinds of tragedies and losses; the loss of young children, acts of terror, innocent people murdered – that often leave loved ones questioning the goodness of God or for those who do not know Him, shaking their fists at a God they do not understand.

We must have a deep knowing and understanding of God’s goodness and character in order to know that it is not God’s will or heart for the evil acts committed against innocent people or for lives to be cut-short. He is love and is not able to be, or in any way, be part of anything that is evil. It’s not possible. God is Spirit and Truth and we are called to worship in Spirit and Truth. When we do we will discover that God is always good and is altogether lovely.


Carol Doyel is Editor-in-Chief and Founder of LivingBetter50.com. She is a graduate of The Full Gospel Bible Institute and has a passion for women’s ministries, issues and lives. She and her husband of 26+ years have three grown kids and four grandchildren. They currently reside in southern CA. Her desire is to inspire women to live better physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually.






5 thoughts on “He is Altogether Lovely and All We Need”

  1. Carol, what a great post, I was disappointed when i finished reading, I wanted to keep reading, you are very insightful! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Julie – My insight comes from the Lord and knowing the Word. I appreciate your feedback. God bless you! warm regards, carol

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He is Altogether Lovely and All We Need
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