Ears to Hear, Eyes to See

a woman looking up

By Amy Layne Litzelman –

“Ears to hear and eyes to see – both are gifts from the Lord.” Proverbs 20:12

There’s nothing quite like having the pieces of a puzzle come into order.

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When we see, when we hear clearly, when we understand the significance of a word or touch of God, our lives are forever changed.

On the first day of this year, the Holy Spirit used a seemingly minor incident to allow me a fresh glimpse of His acute awareness of my every breath. In my journal I wrote, “Father, You did something so very profound today. It left me undone – again. It may seem silly to many who would read this, but we both know the vast and unmistakable significance.”

A number of years before, I received a cream-color sweater in a box of hand-me-downs. It had a tall neck with a full-length zipper; perfect for cool Wyoming days. I love unexpected treasures and wore it often.

Several years later, in a brief moment of idle curiosity, I opened the zipper from the bottom up. It had been made with this option, but for some reason the zipper got off track. I tried and tried to get it back on track, or at least undone, but never could. Because it was one of my favorites, I couldn’t bring myself to throw it out. I kept it in my closet but rarely wore it. Periodically I would get it out and try again to fix the zipper, but without success.

The first day of this year fell on a Sunday and the Spirit prompted me to wear the sweater to church. Afterwards I tried like so many times before to get the zipper undone. As I walked by my husband, Matt, I mentioned my desire and he started to work on it as well. All along I had been pulling the same side of the zipper out of the way while working the tab, but Matt pulled the opposite side.

Within seconds the sweater was hanging open.

I was stunned as the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to see much more than a zipper.

At the same time as the zipper had gotten off track, years before, so had several important relationships in my life. A seemingly small choice had taken us all in a different direction than planned, bringing friction with no apparent fix. In both cases, however, God used Matt to push to the side things that were off-track, causing it all to fall apart – but to work as they were originally intended.

Tears filled my eyes as I saw anew my Father’s perfect sovereignty.

Jesus longs for us to know Him intimately. He wants us to hear His constant whisper and glimpse His majesty. He desires to show us the mysteries and secrets of His Kingdom.

If you humble yourself before Him, God will give you the gift of seeing what only He sees; of hearing and understanding His Spirit. He will pour out wisdom in abundance, show you beauty beyond comprehension, and unleash power from realms above. He will unfold His Word and His heart, piece by piece, as you are able to receive.

As we finish out the second half of 2014, grab a hold of Proverbs 20:12. Ask for eyes to see and ears to hear. What more could you desire than to see and know this One so perfect.

“[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into the mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him,

By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand
the hope to which He has called you…” Ephesians 1:17-18, AMP

As a passionate worshiper, Amy Layne Litzelman writes, sings, and teaches biblical truths from a clean, simple, yet profound perspective. Her unyielding focus is to know her Creator intimately – His voice, His movements, His character – and to help others do the same.  Her website:  http://www.amylaynelitzelman.com/.

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Ears to Hear, Eyes to See
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