5 Tips for Beautiful Looking Skin After 50

By Kathy Mitchell−

Aging is irreversible although premature aging of your skin should not be a choice. In reference to Mary Gormandy White, a beauty and style author, you can look great even when you are over 50 as long as you stick to taking good care of yourself and follow the right beauty routine. This should start by selecting a healthy beauty routine that is ideal for your skin type.

Your clothing, accessories and cosmetic products can impact your appearance, and help create a more youthful look or age you. To stay beautiful, inside and out, you must take good care of your health by exercising regularly and consuming a well-balanced diet. Here are 5 tips for a beautiful looking skin after the age of 50:

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1 Avoid Sun Exposure

Irrespective of your age, you should protect your skin against sun exposure for extended periods. One of the main culprits that trigger premature aging of the skin is sun exposure. By the time you are 50 years old, your skin is possibly already damaged from unprotected sun exposure in earlier life. Sun exposure can cause premature aging which is characterized by fine lines and wrinkles that develop over time. UVB and UVA rays from the sun increase your risk of developing skin problems, including cancer. To protect your skin, always ensure that you wear sunscreen and protective gear, such as hats and long sleeves when outdoors. Sunbathing and tanning beds should also be avoided.

2 Moisturize Regularly

Irrespective of whether you have an oily or dry skin early in life, chances are that your skin eventually becomes drier by the time you are 50. Moisturizing regularly is very important in slowing down the normal aging process of your skin. When moisturizing, choose a moisturizer containing anti-aging ingredients which matches your skin type and apply generously on your face and neck every morning and before going to bed. If you have a dry skin type, you should up your moisturizing frequency. Contact a dermatologist if you are not sure about the appropriate moisturizer that meets the needs of your skin.

3 Follow a Healthy Diet

What you eat defines who you are and how your skin looks like. Following a healthy diet is one of the most critical ways to enhance the beauty of your skin at any age, let alone after 50. Apart from making healthy food choices with balanced nutrients, you should also drink plenty of water to keep you looking younger while feeling great and in full control of your weight. You should avoid excessive use of alcohol, smoking, and junk or sugary foods and instead increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. If you can’t enough of all the essential minerals and nutrients, taking supplements can be a better alternative. However, contact your doctor first before you start supplementation.

4 Exercise Regularly

Regular exercises come with many health benefits for your body and skin. Engaging in workouts can help to keep you youthful while improving the glow on your skin at older age. In addition, it can help in preventing weight gain or fat accumulation under your skin, which triggers several issues. You don’t have to run marathons to stay youthful, but simple exercises like walking, jogging, squats and pushups can help boost your heart rate to ensure that all the cells in your body are receiving nutrients and oxygen for normal function. Consider other physical activities like gardening, cooking, moving furniture or making your bed as forms of exercises to help improve circulation for a young looking skin after 50.

5 Get Adequate Sleep

Various studies have shown that sleep deprivation can cause premature aging of the skin. If you don’t know how to sleep better, you are more susceptible to developing dark circles under your eyes. In addition, you are likely to make impressions of being tired, which will add year to the way you look. Getting adequate sleep every night helps in diminishing the grayish pall that forms on your skin when you are exhausted. This will also help in diminishing fine lines that appear more pronounced.

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Via- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZ_AunwwirI


You can look terrific at any age, but it is possible to stay in tune with your body by paying attention to all the changes that occur as you grow old. You can achieve a beautiful looking skin by making lifestyle changes and following healthy routines. You should invest in cosmetic products that meet the needs of your skin to stay youthful into your 50s and beyond. All the best for your skin!

References: 1, 2, 3


Kathy Mitchell was born and raised in USA. She has done MA in English literature and she loves to write articles on health and beauty. She is loves to write health beauty and skin care reviews for various website. Also she is contributing to consumer health digest since 2011.Her articles are both professional and creative. You can contact her on Facebook and twitter.


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5 Tips for Beautiful Looking Skin After 50
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