5 Tips to Get Through the Hot Summer Season

By Carter Morgan–

Even though many of us would choose the summer as our most enjoyable season of the year, the summer comes with its own fair share of challenges, especially due to the scorching heat. Whilst a little sunshine can be extremely pleasant and can make life happier and cheerier, too much sunshine can be harmful to our health and well-being, especially as we grow older.

Seniors have to be especially vigilant when it comes to extreme temperatures. This should not only be limited to taking precautions with their health and well-being, but also by taking the extra steps to help ensure their homes remain cool as well – which in turn will help keep them cool and comfortable. Here’s a look at a few handy tips designed to get through the downside of the beautiful summer season.

fall scents for your home

Stay hydrated

One of the biggest health risks to people, especially seniors and children during a heat wave is dehydration. This is why it is so important to drink plenty of fluids. As far as which fluids go, avoid diuretics such as tea, coffee, and alcohol, and instead stick mainly with fresh water. By drinking chilled beverages from the fridge, or adding extra ice, you’re also able to reduce your core body temperature, which will also help keep you cool.

Wear loose-fitting clothing

During the summer, it is important that you dress accordingly in regards to the weather. Since it is far more likely to be hot in the summer, you’ll need to ensure you have plenty of thin, and loose-fitting clothing on hand to help your skin breathe and to prevent you from sweating and having your clothes stick to your body. More importantly, this will ensure that you are immune from any form of discomfort that heaver clothing might cause.

Open windows in the evening

Although it can be tempting to open all windows and doors the minute the sun comes out in the morning. However, it is ideal that you resist that urge and keep them closed during the day – instead opening them in the evening, when the temperature begins to fall. By opening windows and doors during the day when the sun is at its fiercest, all you’re doing is letting warm air into your home. Not just that alone, you are also inviting all the insects and bugs that are also more active during the summer months. However, by opening the windows in the evening when the temperature begins to drop, you’re then able to let cooler and fresher air in.

Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day

Another effective way of helping to keep the home cool during the summer is to ensure you keep curtains and blinds closed during the day. This helps to prevent sunlight from being magnified and shone into your home through the glass windows, which obviously helps keep everything cooler as a result.

Be wary of cooking hot foods

During the summer, cooking of hot food or foods that take longer to cook during the day should be discouraged. This is because cooking a meal which requires the oven to be on, as well as hot gas rings would not only cause discomfort while you cook; it will also generate more heat inside the home. This is not what you want when trying to keep the home cool. If possible instead, opt for cold cuts and salads, or foods which require little-to-no heating whatsoever. Another idea might be taking advantage of the nice weather to grill food in the garden or using the cool shade of a tree as protection. This will not only keep the home cool, it will help save on energy bills as well.

Summer is a beautiful time of the year most people love and enjoy. These simple tricks and habits will only guarantee that there are no discomforts or health scares throughout the season – as temperatures soar above and beyond other seasons.


Carter Morgan is a devoted family man with a hands-on approach. When, he’s not enjoying the wonderful moments of being a husband and father, he is practicing his trade at John Moore Services.

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5 Tips to Get Through the Hot Summer Season
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